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1001 Main Street
Ordway, CO 81063
Phone: 719.267.3117

Academic Performance Reports

GraphEvery year, school districts in Colorado report about their performance to their communities, based on requirements in the No Child Left Behind Act. In addition, state law has required that districts report district accreditation information.

Both the information required by federal law and district accreditation information is now available on the Colorado Department of Education’s Web site.

There, the district profile for Crowley County School District includes the following information:

Assessment Data

  1. Colorado Growth Model. The Colorado Growth Model provides a common understanding of how individual students and groups of students progress from year to year on the Colorado Student Assessment Program (CSAP) toward state standards based on where each individual student begins. Results are disaggregated by race/ethnicity, English language learners, economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities.
  2. CSAP results by grade level for each school and for the district. Results are disaggregated by race/ethnicity, English language learners, economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities.
  3. School and district CSAP performance for the last two years, compared with the state of Colorado as a whole.
  4. CSAPA results (for students given the alternate assessment), if applicable.
  5. National Assessment of Educational Progress results for Colorado students as a whole and disaggregated by race/ethnicity, English language learners, economically disadvantaged students and students with disabilities.

Accountability Data

  1. Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) results. Adequate Yearly Progress is the federal accountability measure for schools and districts under the No Child Left Behind legislation. The report includes the overall AYP determination for schools and districts as well as their specific AYP results.
  2. The names and number of schools in your district that are identified as Schools on Improvement under No Child Left Behind.

Teacher Quality Data

  1. The percent of classes not taught by Highly Qualified Teachers, and disaggregated by high and low poverty schools.
  2. Information about teachers including the professional qualifications of teachers, and the percent of teachers with emergency licenses.

Post-Secondary Readiness Data

  1. Post-secondary readiness indicators including (as applicable): the number and percent of students taking advanced placement courses, students enrolled in institutions under the Post Secondary Enrollment Options Act.
  2. Graduation rates and drop out rates.
  3. Results of the college entrance exam (ACT) for the district as a whole, and compared to the state average.

Other Data

  1. District budget, revenues and expenditures.
  2. Attendance rates.
  3. Evidence of a safe, civil learning environment.
  4. Number of expelled and suspended students.

If you would like a hard copy of this information, please contact the District Office.

Elementary School

     2000-2001     2001-2002     2002-2003     2003-2004     2004-2005     2005-2006    
     2006-2007     2007-2008     2008-2009    

Middle School

     2000-2001     2001-2002     2002-2003     2003-2004     2004-2005     2005-2006    
     2006-2007     2007-2008     2008-2009

High School

     2000-2001     2001-2002     2002-2003     2003-2004     2004-2005     2005-2006
     2006-2007     2007-2008     2008-2009